Badminton Racket With Extra Stability For Smashes-Yonex Arcsaber 11 Pro 3U & 4U Badminton Racket

Weight 3U 4U

Product Description : Yonex Arcsaber 11 Pro Badminton Racket :  3U & 4U

The racket is designed to deliver pinpoint accuracy in the heat of lightning-fast rallies. Neo CS CARBON NANOTUBE, refined by YONEX engineers, allows the racquet to achieve new levels of frame flexibility holding the shuttle on the string bed for even longer, for greater control at the point of impact, to allow you to hit counter receive shots with the accuracy and speed you need to kill the point.

The Yonex Arcsaber 11 Pro Badminton Racket is designed to flex at the point of impact to hold the shuttle on the string bed for longer. By storing and then releasing energy, ARCSABER delivers precise shot-making for players seeking a higher level of control. Positioned at the sides of the racquet, CS Carbon Nanotubes improve the frame’s elasticity, holding the shuttle on the string bed for enhanced control at the point of impact.

Product Specification

Expertise Level Advanced
Weight (Grams) 83 (+/- 2) - 4U / 3U 86g(+/-2)
Balance Point Head Heavy
Flex Stiff
Grip Size G5 (3 inches)
Frame Material HM Graphite / POCKETING BOOSTER
Shaft Material HM Graphite / SUPER HMG / ULTRA PE FIBER
Stringing Advice 20 - 27lbs
Gourmets 76
Racket Length 675mm
Stringing Status Unstrung
Full Cover Yes


Enlarged Sweet Spot

SOMETRICTM technology continues to help the world’s greatest players achieve global success.

Developed over 30 years ago, the ISOMETRICTM design increases the sweet spot by 7%*. Compared to a conventional round frame, a square-shaped ISOMETRICTM racquet generates a larger sweet spot by optimizing the intersection of the main and cross strings.

ISOMETRICTM delivers greater control without sacrificing power. ISOMETRICTM is a Trademark of Yonex CO., LTD.
*Tested by Yonex

Solid Feel Core

The shaft is constructed using ‘Ultra PEF’ – ultra polyethylene fiber – which is light enough to float on water yet able to withstand immense forces. these characteristics allow for maximum shock absorption.

Super Slim Shaft

Reduced Air Resistance

The slimmest racquet ever produced by YONEX vastly reduces air resistance whilst providing maximum feel.

Energy Boost CAP

228 Cost Avenue Washington MD Maryland USA