The Mine Baseball Fungo may be the lightest and most powerful Fungo ever made. This Fungo comes standard with our soft touch technology throughout the bat. The soft touch barrel helps you put backspin when you line drives and fly ball or add topspin on grounders to the infielders. The soft touch grip on the handle will make sure you never lose grip as your hands get sweaty and minimizes vibration on the bat.
All of our bats are made exclusively with European Beech which is denser than Maple, Birch, or Ash to maximize the pop to drive the ball deep into the gaps. Our Fungos are made with the same premium wood standards that we use on our bats. Most manufacturers use their worst wood on Fungos - not us. If you're looking for the highest quality Fungos with the highest quality wood, you've found them here at Mine Baseball.
We may be biased, but our Racket Handle Fungo is a game-changer. For the first time ever, we've incorporated a tennis racket feel to a baseball bat. With flat sides on the handle, you'll never have an issue lining up your knuckles ever again.
This Fungo comes standard with our soft touch technology throughout the bat. The soft touch barrel helps you put backspin when you hit line drives and fly balls or add topspin on grounders to the infielders. The soft touch grip on the handle will make sure you never lose grip as your hands get sweaty and the soft touch also minimizes vibration on the bat.
All of our bats are made exclusively with European Beech which is denser than Maple, Birch, or Ash to maximize the pop when you drive the ball deep into the gaps. If you're looking for the highest quality Fungo ever made, then you've found it here at Mine Baseball with the Racket Fungo.