Football Socks With Seamless Toe-Kanjam Illuminate LED Football | Size 5

Size Size 5

The Illuminate LED Football glows bright and will keep your game going for hours once the sun goes down or lights go off. Game on.

What's included

  • KanJam Illuminate Soccer Ball
  • Air pump
  • Battery replacement tool
  • Extra batteries

Activate the lights
In order to activate the lights, you first need to remove the protective plastic attached to the batteries. The football's built-in LED lights will light up as soon as you kick the ball. Perfect for soccer games at night or training after sunset.

Replaceable batteries
When it's time to change the battery, use the supplied tool and peel off the two transparent covers on the lights. It is easier to remove the guards if you remove some air from the ball first. Insert the pump into the hole and drain some air, then take out the battery container using the tool and replace the batteries.